Latino Community Foundation of Colorado to Transition from Rose Community Foundation to Independent Nonprofit

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Launches with $1 Million Lead Gift from Colorado Health Foundation

DENVER, CO – The Latino Community Foundation of Colorado (LCFC), operating as an initiative of Rose Community Foundation, today announced that it will become its own entity beginning in 2019 with transition work underway for all operations and fiscal accountability. One of only a few Latino community foundations in the country, LCFC made the announcement at a reception it hosted at the Governor’s Residence at Boettcher Mansion in Denver.

“The time has come to complete what has been our vision since our inception, to spread our wings and become an independent entity serving Latinos in Colorado,” said LCFC Executive Director Carlos Martinez. “Thanks to the support of Rose Community Foundation we now have the wings to fly. We will use 2018 to transition operations and continue doing what we do best in Colorado–engaging Latinos and others to be leaders and philanthropic investors to develop strong and vibrant Latino communities.”

Over the past 10 years, LCFC has invested $5.3 million in the community, has supported over 100 organizations, and has grown to be a key player in the philanthropic sector of Colorado.

“As a longtime investor in nonprofit capacity-building and emerging community issues, it was a natural fit for Rose Community Foundation to incubate LCFC and support its work and growth over the past decade,” said Lindy Eichenbaum Lent, president and CEO of Rose Community Foundation. “It is with immense pride that we watch LCFC soar to new heights as an independent organization. We look forward to continued support and partnership with LCFC as we serve the community side-by- side.”

In 2007, the Latino Community Foundation of Colorado was launched by Rose Community Foundation in partnership with Hispanics in Philanthropy, The Jay and Rose Philips Family Foundation of Colorado, Western Union Foundation and individual Latino leaders, to be a resource in the community and a catalyst for positive change.

Today, the LCFC operates with annual community investments of $1 million with diversified local and national investors with multi-year commitments. Their team currently includes a staff of six with plans for continued growth as a strong voice in the Latino community.

As part of the announcement, the Colorado Health Foundation announced a lead gift of $1 million over four years. The contribution will go towards operations for the LCFC, whose goal is to raise $3 million by the end of the year.

“We have seen the LCFC’s commitment to success in the past ten years and feel confident in its lasting impact on Colorado communities. We hope others will join us in supporting the LCFC as they build upon this contribution to make significant strides in serving and reducing inequities of all kinds within the Latino community,” said Colorado Health Foundation President and CEO Karen McNeil-Miller.

Though Latino communities are traditionally generous, Latinos have been underestimated as philanthropic contributors. The LCFC has increased the visibility of Latino philanthropy in Colorado by creating a pool of donors who contribute funds to help nonprofits build their capacity to deliver high quality services to the Latino community. The work of the LCFC encourages new leadership, innovation and community-building opportunities of individual Latino donors to benefit communities throughout Colorado.

Last year, LCFC launched The Generations of Giving campaign, helping Latinos to build stronger communities by becoming more engaged in philanthropy, while strengthening the legacy they leave for future generations. This new campaign expands the work of LCFC by generating $150,000 a year from 100 individuals, families or donors. Learn more at

About Rose Community Foundation
Rose Community Foundation strives to enhance the quality of life of the Greater Denver community through leadership, grant-making and donor engagement – stewarding philanthropic resources and investing in strategic and innovative solutions to enduring challenges and emerging issues. Since its founding in 1995, the Foundation has granted more than $260 million to organizations and initiatives focused on Aging, Early Childhood and Family Development, Education, Health and Jewish Life. To learn more, please visit

About the Colorado Health Foundation
The Colorado Health Foundation is bringing health in reach for all Coloradans by engaging closely with communities across the state through investing, policy advocacy, learning and capacity building. For more information, please visit

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