Immigrants Deserve Protections to Seek Refuge and Better Lives

For Immediate Release
Media Contact

As communities across the nation brace for a potential large-scale deportation operation over the next few days, news reports indicate there are several cities being targeted, including Denver. At the Colorado Health Foundation, we stand with immigrant communities in Denver and across Colorado. This proposed operation is unjust and inhumane – it will inevitably tear more mixed-citizenship families apart and spread fear in neighborhoods and communities that are a part of who Colorado is.

We know that those threatened with deportation do not deserve this treatment and instead deserve guaranteed protections to seek refuge and a better life.

Our mission squarely centers on creating healthy and inclusive communities for all Coloradans and their families, regardless of immigration status. We honor the tradition of welcoming those who have chosen to call Colorado ‘home’ because we believe that everyone should have the right to choose where they live, without fear being ripped out of their homes or away from their loved ones.

In this time of critical need, we want to help immigrant communities – and their allies – be as informed as possible, so they can know their power, their resiliency and their rights. Immigrants who fear these potential raids have guaranteed rights under the Constitution. And those of us who support immigrant communities have an opportunity to help spread the word.


Keeping families together keeps families healthy. This is key to making Colorado stronger, safer and more prosperous.

About the Colorado Health Foundation
The Colorado Health Foundation is bringing health in reach for all Coloradans by engaging closely with communities across the state through investing, policy advocacy, learning and capacity building. For more information, please visit

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