Hate Should Not Define Our Daily Lives

For Immediate Release
Media Contact

After a weekend of unspeakable and heart-shattering violence in El Paso, Dayton and beyond – we stand with the individuals, families and communities impacted. We all deserve to live in safe communities that are not awash with fear, trauma and grief. We all deserve to live in a country where hate does not define our daily lives – where the actions we see and the words we hear do not perpetuate discrimination and violence.

No matter your personal or professional role in this harrowing public epidemic, please help us spread the word about resources for supporting those affected by violence and trauma.

About the Colorado Health Foundation
The Colorado Health Foundation is bringing health in reach for all Coloradans by engaging closely with communities across the state through investing, policy advocacy, learning and capacity building. For more information, please visit cal.wxzjnt.com.

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