The Foundation Recognizes Three Colorado Nonprofits with a Holiday Gift

For Immediate Release

Looking back on 2018, I recognize there is much to be grateful for — my family and friends, their health and my own, my home, my peers, as well as the passionate team of Board, staff and partners who are committed to our vision that across Colorado each of us can say, “We have all we need to live healthy lives.”

During this holiday season, we want to give thanks to the people and organizations who have dedicated their time and resources to help bring health in reach for all Coloradans. In honor of the giving season, the Foundation has donated to the three worthy causes [add link] on behalf of our Board, staff, grantees and partners: 

  • Dress for Success has six signature programs that empower and transform women’s lives. Their programs help them find positions that offer a livable wage and a career path; programs that help them keep their jobs, succeed in both life and work and provide a roadmap for giving back to their communities.
  • Mountain Roots Food Project, located in the Gunnison Valley, understands that providing occasional fresh food is not enough to create lasting changes in the health of children, farms, community, local economy and the environment. They use and teach life skills to reconnect people with their food and the land to build food security for people of all ages in all economic groups.
  • Shiloh House offers nurturing, therapeutic and educational services to empower youth and families to overcome the impact of abuse, neglect and trauma. Through guidance, clinical intervention and advocacy, Shiloh House meets the needs of the community while respecting the diversity of youth and families.

We’d like to thank these organizations for their work to improve the lives of those the serve, and we’d like to thank you for your commitment to improving the health of Coloradans today, tomorrow and in the years to come.

Have a safe, happy holiday.

In good health,

Karen McNeil-Miller


About the Colorado Health Foundation
The Colorado Health Foundation is bringing health in reach for all Coloradans by engaging closely with communities across the state through investing, policy advocacy, learning and capacity building. For more information, please visit

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