Colorado Health Foundation Launches Colorado Linkage Lab Program to Strengthen Colorado’s Long-term Services and Supports System

For Immediate Release
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DENVER, CO — The Colorado Health Foundation is replicating a successful California model to improve partnerships between community-based organizations and the health care sector to promote integration of services for aging and disability communities in Colorado.

The Foundation recently launched the Colorado Linkage Lab, based on a program supported by the SCAN Foundation, with a cohort of eight community-based organizations. They include: Boulder County Area Agency on Aging; Denver Regional Council of Governments; Easter Seals Colorado; Lutheran Family Services Rocky Mountains; Seniors’ Resource Organization Center; Southwest Center for Independence; The Independence Center and Visiting Nurse Corporation of Colorado.

“Community-based organizations are experts at understanding the issues their communities face, but often need support forming business relationships with health care providers,” said Erica Snow, interim portfolio director for the Colorado Health Foundation. “This program is designed to strengthen the connections between community and health care sector services so older people and people with disabilities have a well-organized network of services to meet their health care needs.”

Part of the Foundation’s three-year LTSS initiative launched in February 2013, the Colorado Linkage Lab grantees will participate in a 19-month senior leadership program led by top-notch faculty to develop business capacities and receive individualized technical assistance. After completing the program, participating organizations will be invited to apply for up to $100,000 in business infrastructure grant funding per organization to equip them for effective partnerships with the health care sector.

This work comes at a critical time in health care, as the Affordable Care Act has created new care financing and delivery opportunities, including Accountable Care Organizations (ACOs), Medical/Health Homes, Community-based Care Transition Programs, Dual Eligible Integration Pilots and more. 

About the Colorado Health Foundation
The Colorado Health Foundation is singularly focused on helping Coloradans live their healthiest lives by advancing opportunities to pursue good health and achieve health equity through grantmaking, policy and advocacy, strategic private investments and convening to drive change. For more information, please visit

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